Join WSHS Partners In Education
Our Goal for this school year is 100% PIE Membership Participation of Parents, Teachers, Staff and Administration. There is No Cost to Join PIE, but your donations are very much appreciated and will help us support the school all year long. Parental involvement is important and necessary at every stage of our children’s development, both educational and emotional, and PIE membership is a great way to remain involved as our children develop into young adults.
PIE member communication through the high school website, via email and Facebook to keep you informed about PIE sponsored events and activities
Funding and volunteer opportunities for teacher appreciation events, student activities, programs, and PIE sponsored events and activities
Funding for technology, educational materials, educational enrichment and resources
Funding for school enhancements, building improvements, and equipment
WSHS PIE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Donations are tax deductible.